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  1. The Contradictory God Thesis and Non-Dialetheic Mystical Contradictory Theism.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2025 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 97:1-23.
    When faced with the charge that a given concept of God is contradictory, the standard move among philosophers and theologians has been to try to explain away the contradiction and show that the concept of God in question is consistent. This has to do, of course, with the Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC). Another option, which has recently generated interest among logicians and analytic philosophers of religion, is to reject such a move as unnecessary and defend what might be called the (...)
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  2. Panentheism and Theistic Cosmopsychism: God and the Cosmos in the Bhavagad Gītā.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3):1-23.
    Panentheism has seen a revival over the past two decades in the philosophical literature. This has partially triggered an interest in Indian models of God, which have traditionally been seen as panentheistic. On the other hand, panentheism has been often associated with panpsychism, an old ontological view that sees consciousness as fundamental and ubiquitous in the natural world and which has also enjoyed a renaissance in recent decades. Depending on where one places fundamentality (whether on the microlevel or on the (...)
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  3. The Logic of God: A Pluralistic Representational Theory of Concepts.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (4):465-488.
    In this paper I present a formalization of the theory of ideal concepts applied to the concept of God. It is done within a version of the Simplest Quantified Modal Logic (SQML) and attempts to solve three meta-problems related to the concept of God: the unicity of extension problem, the homogeneity/heterogeneity problem and the problem of conceptual unity.
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  4. On the Representation of the Concept of God.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (2):731-755.
    While the failure of the so-called classical theory of concepts - according to which definitions are the proper way to characterize concepts - is a consensus, metaphysical philosophy of religion still deals with the concept of God in a predominantly definitional way. It thus seems fair to ask: Does this failure imply that a definitional characterization of the concept of God is equally untenable? The first purpose of this paper is to answer this question. I focus on the representational side (...)
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  5. A Formal-Logical Approach to the Concept of God.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2021 - Manuscrito. Revista Internacional de Filosofia 44 (4):224-260.
    In this paper I try to answer four basic questions: (1) How the concept of God is to be represented? (2) Are there any logical principles governing it? (3) If so, what kind of logic lies behind them? (4) Can there be a logic of the concept of God? I address them by presenting a formal-logical account to the concept of God. I take it as a methodological desideratum that this should be done within the simplest existing logical formalism. I (...)
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    Contradiction in Bhedābheda Vedānta: A Paraconsistent and Glut-Theoretic Approach to Jīva’s Acintya Bhedābheda Theology.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - forthcoming - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology.
    Several Indian religious traditions associated with Vedānta offer conflicting descriptions of ultimate reality, Brahman. A prominent example is found in the Bhedābheda Vedānta tradition, which posits that Brahman is both different (bheda) and non-different (abheda) from the world and individual selves. At first glance, this seems like a contradictory statement. However, most Bhedābheda Vedānta thinkers attempt to reconcile the contradiction, asserting, for example, that Brahman is different from the world and individual selves in one sense, yet non-different in another, distinct (...)
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  7. Karma Theory, Determinism, Fatalism and Freedom of Will.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (1):35-60.
    The so-called theory of karma is one of the distinguishing aspects of Hinduism and other non-Hindu south-Asian traditions. At the same time that the theory can be seen as closely connected with the freedom of will and action that we humans supposedly have, it has many times been said to be determinist and fatalist. The purpose of this paper is to analyze in some deepness the relations that are between the theory of karma on one side and determinism, fatalism and (...)
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  8. Logic and the Concept of God.Stanisław Krajewski & Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2019 - Journal of Applied Logics 6 (6):999-1005.
    This paper introduces the special issue on the Concept of God of the Journal of Applied Logics (College Publications). The issue contains the following articles: Logic and the Concept of God, by Stanisław Krajewski and Ricardo Silvestre; Mathematical Models in Theology. A Buber-inspired Model of God and its Application to “Shema Israel”, by Stanisław Krajewski; Gödel’s God-like Essence, by Talia Leven; A Logical Solution to the Paradox of the Stone, by Héctor Hernández Ortiz and Victor Cantero; No New Solutions to (...)
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    On the Concept of Theodicy.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2017 - Sophia 56 (2):207-225.
    My purpose in this paper is to clarify or explicate the concept of theodicy. More specifically, I shall provide an account of the concept that takes its logical aspects seriously into consideration as well as satisfies the basic intuitions philosophers of religions have had about it. This shall be done by systematically analysing the several theodical conditions found in the literature. As it shall be seen, these conditions are logically related to one another; collectively, they point not to one, but (...)
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    Concepts of God and the Divine in Indian Traditions.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Alan Herbert & Purushottama Bilimoria - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3):379-387.
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  11. Paraconsistent Logic as Model Building.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2018 - South American Journal of Logic 1 (4):195-217.
    The terms “model” and “model-building” have been used to characterize the field of formal philosophy, to evaluate philosophy’s and philosophical logic’s progress and to define philosophical logic itself. A model is an idealization, in the sense of being a deliberate simplification of something relatively complex in which several important aspects are left aside, but also in the sense of being a view too perfect or excellent, not found in reality, of this thing. Paraconsistent logic is a branch of philosophical logic. (...)
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    Modality, Paraconsistency and Paracompleteness.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 449-467.
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  13. Induction and Plausibility. A Conceptual Analysis from the Standpoint of Nonmonotonicity, Paraconsistency and Modal Logic.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2010 - Berlin: Lambert.
    Induction, conceived as the class of rational non-truth preserving inferences, has been a perennial problem in philosophy. Aside from the problem of justification of induction, a less debated issue is the problem of properly describing inductive inferences. The purpose of this book is to conceptually investigate this descriptive problem of induction from the standpoint of the nonmonotonic logical tradition raised inside the field of Artificial Intelligence in the last thirty years. As we try to show, an essential part of this (...)
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  14. Teoria Clássica dos Conceitos e o Conceito de Deus (The Classical Theory of Concepts and the Concept of God).Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 2 (22):1-13.
    Ao mesmo tempo que o malogro da assim chamada teoria clássica dos conceitos - de acordo com a qual definições são a maneira apropriada de caracterizar conceitos - é um consenso, a filosofia metafísica da religião parece ainda lidar com o conceito de Deus de forma predominantemente definicional. Podemos então nos perguntar: Seria esse malogro suficiente para inviabilizar uma caracterização definicional do conceito de Deus? Meu propósito central neste artigo é responder essa pergunta. Adoto uma ênfase representacional. Em outras palavras, (...)
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  15. Some Thoughts on the Logical Aspects of the Problem of Evil.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2020 - In Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Benedikt Paul Göcke, Jean-Yves Béziau & Purushottama Bilimoria, Beyond Faith and Rationality: Essays on Logic, Religion and Philosophy. London, UK: Springer. pp. 121-135.
    My purpose in this chapter is to take seriously the idea that problem of evil is an incompatibility between the proposition that the world was created and is ruled by an omnipotent, omniscient and unlimitedly good being and one that says that there is evil and suffering in our world. Besides being in accordance with much of the literature on the problem of evil, this idea takes the problem at face value, that is to say, it sees it as a (...)
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    God, evil and the metaphysics of freedom.André Nascimento Pontes & Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 10 (3).
    This paper is a translation to Portuguese of the ninth chapter of Alvin Plantinga’s 1974 book The Nature of Necessity, in which the famous freewill defense for the problem of evil is presented in its most complete form. By making use of the theory of possible worlds developed in the previous chapters of the book, Plantinga engages in a recognizably successful attempt to show that the existence of evil is not inconsistent with the existence of an omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient (...)
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  17. O mal e as razões de Deus: O projeto de teodiceia e suas condições de adequação (Evill and the reasons of God: The theodicy project and its adequacy conditions).Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (1):68-89.
    Our purpose in this paper is to contribute to the project of meta-theodicy, understood here as the elucidation of the concept of theodicy through the analysis of its adequacy. In our case, the analysis shall be made inside a framework including a taxonomical view of the theodical adequacy conditions which allows for a rigorously acceptable description of them as well as for a natural appraisal of the role, importance and intra-logical relations holding between them. The result of the analysis shall (...)
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    Pluralidade Religiosa e o Conceito de Deus.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2024 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 69 (1):e45335.
    Neste artigo, abordo algumas questões de ordem superior envolvendo o conceito de Deus que surgem dentro de um contexto pluralista: o problema da unidade conceitual, o problema da unicidade de extensão e o problema da homogeneidade/heterogeneidade. Minha proposta para resolver essas questões envolve uma teoria especial híbrida de conceitos, chamada de teoria de conceitos ideais. Argumento que, quando adicionada a uma visão pluralista de conceitos, e formalizada dentro de uma estrutura de mundos possíveis, tal teoria fornece uma resposta satisfatória a (...)
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    O Que É Lógica Filosófica? Ou Em Que Sentido a Lógica É Filosófica?Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2023 - Dissertatio 57:246-276.
    Meu propósito aqui é jogar alguma luz sobre duas perguntas: “Em que sentido a lógica éfilosófica?” e “O que é lógica filosófica?”. Tomo essas duas questões como sendo coextensivas: umaresposta à uma delas é também (ou pode ser facilmente transformada em) uma resposta à outra.Tentarei trabalhar a partir de três perspectivas: uma perspectiva conceitual, uma descritiva e umaprescritiva. Sendo mais específico, tentarei responder às seguintes perguntas: (i) Em que sentido alógica pode ser tomada como filosófica? (ii) Em que sentido a (...)
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    Religion, Plurality and the Logic of the Concept of God.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2023 - In Vestrucci Andrea, Beyond Babel: Religion and Linguistic Pluralism. Springer Verlag. pp. 287-302.
    In this article, I address some higher-order issues involving the concept of God that arise within a pluralistic context: the problem of conceptual unity, the problem of unicity of extension and the problem of homogeneity/heterogeneity. My proposal to solve these questions involves a special hybrid theory of concepts, called the theory of ideal concepts. I argue that when associated with a pluralistic vision of concepts, and formalized within a possible world structure, such theory provides a satisfactory answer to these problems. (...)
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    Beyond Faith and Rationality: Essays on Logic, Religion and Philosophy.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Benedikt Paul Göcke, Jean-Yves Béziau & Purushottama Bilimoria (eds.) - 2020 - London, UK: Springer.
    This volume deals with the relation between faith and reason, and brings the latest developments of modern logic into the scene. Faith and rationality are two perennial key concepts in the history of ideas. Philosophers and theologians have struggled to bring into harmony these otherwise conflicting concepts. Despite the diversity of approaches about what rationality effectively means, logic remains the cannon of objective and rational thought. The chapters in this volume analyze several issues pertaining to the philosophy of religion and (...)
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  22. On śaktis and their divine possessor: Towards a Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava concept of God.Alan C. Herbert & Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2023 - In Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Alan C. Herbert & Benedikt Paul Göcke, Vaiṣṇava concepts of god: philosophical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Filosofia e Teologia da Bhagavad-gita. Hinduísmo e o Vaishnavismo de Caitanya.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre & Ithamar Theodor (eds.) - 2015 - São Paulo: Juruá.
    O propósito deste livro é preencher a lacuna existente no mercado editorial brasileiro no que diz respeito a obras de cunho acadêmico sobre hinduísmo e filosofia indiana. Essa lacuna se reflete, dentre outras, na inexistência de publicações em português que pretendam ir além do mero aspecto introdutório deste que é um dos maiores clássicos da literatura religiosa indiana e mundial: a Bhagavad-gita; também se reflete na inexistência de literatura especializada sobre as várias tradições indianas que têm a Bhagavad- gita como (...)
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  24. Handbook of the First World Congress on Logic and Religion.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre & Jean-Yves Beziau (eds.) - 2015 - Campina Grande, PB, Brasil: EDUFCG.
    This is the handbook of abstracts of the 1st World Congress on Logic and Religion, which took place in João Pessoa, Brazil, April 01-05, 2015. -/- .
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  25. Induction and Confirmation Theory: An Approach based on a Paraconsistent Nonmonotonic Logic.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2010 - Princípios 17 (28):71-98.
    This paper is an effort to realize and explore the connections that exist between nonmonotonic logic and confirmation theory. We pick up one of the most wide-spread nonmonotonic formalisms – default logic – and analyze to what extent and under what adjustments it could work as a logic of induction in the philosophical sense. By making use of this analysis, we extend default logic so as to make it able to minimally perform the task of a logic of induction, having (...)
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    Inductive Plausibility and Certainty.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2021 - In Marcin Trepczyński, Philosophical Approaches to the Foundations of Logic and Mathematics: In Honor of Stanisław Krajewski. Boston: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 193-210.
    Is it possible to combine different logics into a coherent system with the goal of applying it to specific problems so that it sheds some light on foundational aspects of those logics? These are two of the most basic issues of combining logics. Paranormal modal logic is a combination of paraconsistent logic and modal logic. In this paper, I propose two further combinatory developments, focusing on each one of these two issues. On the foundational side, I combine paranormal modal logic (...)
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  27. Logic of induction: a dead horse? some thoughts on the logical foundations of probability.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2007 - Princípios 14 (22):43-78.
    Sáo dois os propósitos deste artigo. Primeiro desejamos examinar porque o projeto de Carnap de construir uma lógica indutiva náo foi bem sucedido. De forma a realizar isso, nos apoiaremos na distinçáo entre o problema da justificaçáo da induçáo e o problema da descriçáo da induçáo. Tentaremos mostrar que a principal razáo pela qual o projeto de Carnap falhou foi sua relaçáo com o problema da justificaçáo da induçáo. Nosso segundo objetivo é propor algumas idéias de como seria um lógica (...)
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    Modality, Paraconsistency and Paracompleteness.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 449-467.
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  29. Philosophical Logic = Philosophy + Logic?Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2021 - In J.-Y. Beziau, J.-P. Desclés, A. Moktefi & A. Pascau, Logic-in-Question (Workshop at the Sorbonne 2011-2019). pp. 299-327.
    My purpose in this paper is to shed some light on two questions: In what sense is logic philosophical? And what is philosophical logic? I take these two questions as co-extensive: an answer to one of them is also (or can easily be converted into) an answer to the other. I approach the problem from three perspectives: a conceptual, a descriptive and a prescriptive perspective. In other words, I try to answer the following questions: (i) In what sense can logic (...)
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    Sur l'aspect inférenciel de la logique des dialogues intelligents.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2009 - Dissertatio 30:249-268.
    O objetivo geral deste artigo é o de fazer algumas considerações teoréticas sobre o aspecto inferencial da Lógica dos Diálogos Inteligentes dentro do quadro conceitual fornecido pelas lógicas do senso comum desenvolvidas dentro da Inteligência Artificial. Mais especificamente, tentarei mostrar aqui que, para bem cumprir o seu papel, a LDI deve possuir uma maneira de representar as inferências não-monotônicas. Como argumento principal, defenderei a tese de que a não-monotonicidade é uma característica intrínseca à compreensão e uso da linguagem. O principal (...)
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  31. Um Curso de Lógica.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2011 - Petrópolis: Vozes.
    Este livro se propõe a ser uma introdução fácil e acessível, porém rigorosa e tecnicamente precisa, à lógica. Prioridade é dada à clareza e lucidez na explicação das definições e teoremas, bem como à aplicação prática da lógica na análise de argumentos. O livro foi concebido de forma a permitir sua utilização por qualquer pessoa interessada em aprender lógica, independentemente de sua área de atuação ou bagagem teórica prévia. Em especial, ele deve ser útil a estudantes e professores de filosofia, (...)
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  32. Vaiṣṇava concepts of god: philosophical perspectives.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Alan C. Herbert & Benedikt Paul Göcke (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    This book analyses the concepts of God in Vaisnavism, which is commonly referred to as one of the great Hindu monotheistic traditions. Addressing the question of what attributes God possesses according to particular textual sources and traditions in Vaisnavism, the book analyses Vaisnava traditions and texts in order to locate them within a global philosophical framework. The book is divided into two sections. The first one, God in Vaisnava Texts, deals with concepts of God found in the canonical Vaisnava texts: (...)
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